Error received on this site

Every time I try to post or reply to a post I am getting the following error.
Error in Community Site

Nothing else is even open.
I am going crazy here…


Ha! so this is not only me. I was wondering what was going on, I’ve been having those for a few days


I feel much better that I know it is not only me…
I was beginning to think I was holding my tongue wrong.

Googled around a bit and it seems like Discourse (the engine behind this forum) fixed a bug possibly related to this a few days ago.

But I have no idea when/how the Discourse updates are rolled out to our forum server.


I get the same message too on phone or computer

Mentioned it on team chat. Hopefully the fix will get applied in the near future.


Thanks for looking into this!!!

Sorry about that. I roll them out a bit after each beta release. I usually wait a bit to see if there are any problems. I didn’t wait long enough this time.

Sorry about that.

I ran the upgrade a few hours ago, so it should be resolved.


Cool! Thanks for the quick response. :sunglasses:

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