Experiencing stuttering along curves

I am getting some very minor stuttering along curves when post processing with Fusion 360 however it’s smooth when post processing with Carbide Create. Any ideas?

  • Tested cutting air so not a result of cutting forces
  • Using a fusion 5 tablet
  • I’ve seen another post on this but doesn’t seem to solve my issue

Try increasing the smoothing and tolerance on that path. I notice this a lot on my 3d carves and it can get fairly egregious. 0.1mm/0.004” is fine.

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Thanks Loren, had a look at it seems mine was set to .0004, are you suggesting that is too high and that I should increase it to .004?

What post processor are you using?

I am using Carbide 3D (grbl)

Tolerance and smoothing are different. Smoothing will typically default to 1/10th of the tolerance (and that’s okay). To avoid stuttering, smoothing should always be enabled when possible.

Tolerance, particularly when roughing, is fine at around 0.003-0.005". If you don’t have a lot of curves or complex geometry, 0.001-0.003" should be okay. If you make it too fine, the gcode will be excessively tedious for the CNC to process and it will stutter.


That did the trick! Fusion must have changed the default on the recent install as I certainly dont recall ever touching that tolerance setting. Thanks!

Glad you got it fixed. Sorry for the silence, we’ve been having a heck of a time down here in Texas this week.

No worries at all, stay safe!

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