Gearbox in z-stepper


Dus to a heavier spindel i want to put a gear reduction in front of the z-motor. It is a nema 17 and due to the restricted amps I can’t Just trow in a heavier motor.

If I would use the reduction I somehow have to tell the software that it has to do 5 steps in stead of one. Is it simple a matter of a G-code line ?

Any help would be appreciated!

Flip bastiaan

Hi @flip,

Welcome to the community.

This is actually not managed in the G-code, but in the configuration of the controller.

Do you mean on a Shapeoko or do you have a custom/other CNC? (your first sentence would seem to tell me it’s the latter).

Anyway, if it is a CNC based on GRBL, then this is a simple matter of adjusting paramerer $102 which is the number of Z steps per mm.

The G-code stays the same, as it uses physical units (mm or inches), not motor steps.


Hi Julian , thanks for your swift reply. It’s an genmitsu 4030 pro. I will try your suggestion as soon as the gear reduction will arrive. I’m very curious if the stepper motor is up to the bulkier spindle then. And it is indeed a GRBL based machine (uses candle).


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