Guitar vector closing

I am currently making my first big project ( also my first design in CCpro ) and it is this strat design. I am having trouble with closing two vectors together for the pickups. I have tried to close them with options I could find but with no success. any tips or help appreciated

Is one of the vectors ‘open’? If not seleected, open vectors are a different color, magenta I think.

If so, select that one and hit ‘Close Vector’. After that, you should be able to select both and use Boolean Union.

Now, if that doesn’t work, check out this:


Post the file or send it in to and will do our best to walk through this w/ you.


Strat Front.c2d (84 KB)

The geometry criss-crossed:

Assuming you want one outline:

Edit until everything touches:

then use Join Vectors to join/close:

strat front_closed_v7.c2d (84 KB)

oh my ok I will try that thank you!

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