Finish of second-side roughing. Finishing is going on now, I left the machine running after I changed to the finishing cutter and left for work. I showed my wife where the emergency stop button is and told her hit it if the machine sounds/looks like it is hurting itself (cutting outside the machining area…)
But all is not right on Tattoine. The yellow encircled wall should be vertical and unbroken. Somewhere along the line there was a shift in the X axis, which means I was too agressive on the cutting parameters. From the depth of the offset, I can tell it was on the first side. The rawstock is about .50" thick and I set max depth to .35 from each face, so a little more than halfway through the stock to overlap on the vertical sides on the workpiece.
I forgot to mention the material is acrylic. If I do the Falcon again (what’s this if–I know I’ll redo it…), I’ll search-and-relace the 30 ipm roughing moves to maybe 20 ipm. And maybe up the RPM for the roughing. Or maybe just up the roughing RPM. The chips were coming off fine and unmelted. I have some homework to do on feed/speed.
And the dish antenna is a separate job. I found the STL on Thingiverse and used MeshLab to lop off the facets that form the antenna. It is pretty crude–you can only select factets in a rectangular selection area, so it was a matter of rotating and zooming until there wasn’t any geometry behind the facets I wanted to remove. Then I repeated the process to isolate the antenna itself.
But Han should be flying his ship anyway instead of watching HBO!