I am trying to cut grooves and pocket on a large work piece on my shapeoko 5 pro. I set up the board and got x, y zero as the left most corner (left extremes for x & y). I have a reference block on the left to use for squaring work pieces to use for tiling etc.
I then set the z zero manually. After the machine is done with tool measurement i used the jog function to send the cutter to current X,Y and it correctly reached zero position. However, when I sent rapid Z to current zero +6mm, my assumption was that it will stop 6mm above the z zero. But it went into the work piece. I also tried the go to 1 inch above current z zero. It stopped but the clearance between the tip of my cutter and work piece is less than an inch
Can someone please explain how these distances are measured. I am afraid to cut my work piece without fully understanding this. I did try coupe of trial runs on some scrap wood. It did the cuts correctly with the exception of minor difference in depth of cut which I attributed to work piece not being fully flat.
Will, Thanks.
I have the latest carbide create V7.
So, Brandon at tech support thought it was a problem with my gas strut and I may be cutting more aggressive. He suggested to remove Gas strut. I have and have not had issues after that. I also tamed my DOC.
I realize that the gas strut is for preventing spindle from dropping when power is turned off. This is my second strut in less than 2 months. Why sell one if this has this much issues. I have not had the spindle fall yet, but it seems that it happens frequently. I remove my bits when I shut off the machine.
Another question -
I just installed sweepy pro on my machine. (it was painful to install). I have a 2 1/2" tube that connects to a 4 inch system. I find the connection pretty flimsy and afraid it might come off while moving. Do you have any experience with Sweepy Pro and any suggestions for a good hose connection in the back? Could not find many threads on tis topic.