Usual preface, I’m with PreciseBits so while I try to only post general information take everything I say with the understanding that I have a bias.
I’ll try to be helpful here but there’s only so much I can get into with tool specifics without violating the above preface.
While this can be generally true it depends on the tool geometry and size (surface speed). Unless you’re just talking about the sound the router alone makes.
In this case I would absolutely keep the higher RPM if you are able. The issue here is that this is an unknown tip diameter “V” cutter. Judging by their stepover data and product description I’m guessing either an “infinitely” small tip or 0.005" (0.13mm). So you want as much surface speed as you can get in the bottom. The extra surface speed will help with shear giving a better cut or chance to cut for soft materials (like for like without other issues). This is also a single flute cutter so you shouldn’t have an issue being able to use the RPM. Their recommend data (Link) is actually only 0.0013" (0.03mm) chipload which in my opinion is pretty conservative especially for softer hardwoods.
The one thing I don’t see in the data above is a plunge rate. They have that as 20IPM so you might want to check that.
To be clear I’m not endorsing their data. I don’t know enough about the geometry of the tool to even have more of an opinion one way or the other. It would also need to be adjusted for the material being cut.