I just received my Shapeoko 5 pro and am working on assembly, I noticed when unpacking that one box was damaged, So I shouldn’t have been surprised when I had a broken part. I’ve reached out to support but have not received a response yet.
this is the mount that holds the chains to the top of the HDZ, it was snaped off during shipping, anyone have ideas on how to get a replacement part? Or other solutions?
I am sure c3d will replace the bracket. In the mean time use some super glue to put it back together so you can go ahead with assembly. Just apply ample superglue and hold it together so it holds together.
I just had the same thing happen on my brand new Shpeoko 5 Pro 4x4. I contacted support and they sent one out the next day. It was suggested to add an extra link in the drag chain (you should have received 2 extra with you cnc router). If you look closely, the gantry is hitting the bracket when using Bit Setter. By adding the extra lion, it will push out the end of the drag link just enough so that the gantry plate is not hitting the bracket. The other solution would be to push you Bit Setter back a few inches so that the gantry would hit the drag chain, but not the bracket. If you don’t do one of the options, you will break the bracket again. Regardless of what you do, I would add the extra link to the right side as well, as that could happen over there as well depending on your travel to the left side.
Could you post several pictures of the angles/location of that collision point? I’m in the assembly process now and would like to get ahead of a potential failure point.