I was trying to mill a simple letter “A”. My preview in CC is showing that it looks correct. However, when I import the file into CM, it does not work correctly.
For example, my letter “A” is milled as two small circular pockets, and nothing else. How can I trouble shoot this? I’ve attached the CC file.
If you’ll let us know what font you had this difficulty with we can look into this in more detail, or you can post a version of the file which has that text object converted to paths:
I understand that the tool path shows the small gap, and I was OK with that for this test run. The issue that I had was that it didn’t actually trace anything inside the letter “A”. It made two small circular pockets, in the area that I highlighted in my attached picture. I hope that makes sense.
Hi Will, sorry if I wasn’t communicating my issue as clearly as I could – I have no issues with the toolpath previews and I understand why they are appearing as so.
My issue is that when I go to perform the actual cut, with my Shapeoko 3, the bottom, sides, and middle of the “A” are not cut. I just get two small pockets cut into the top of the A. Why would that be?