Issue with Z-Axis Depth

I am having an issue with my Z-Axis depth. It’s moving further than the distance it should be. For example, I was cutting a project that was 0.75in thick and it went almost a quarter inch into my spoil board. I’ve been thinking it was moving further than I was telling it to, but I’ve been using the laser attached more than the CNC lately and just now saw the large disparity. Any suggestions to get it back to the correct depths?

Which Z-axis does your machine have?

Could it be that you have a Z-Plus, but have configured for an HDZ?

I’m not going to lie, I didn’t know there were different ones for the Shapeoko Pro. How would I tell which one I have?

Unless you paid extra for an HDZ and installed it, you have a Z-Plus.

Re-run the Setup Wizard — when you do so you can verify against the images in it.