Keyboard "Tab" functionality not working as expected

Hi Guys,

Do any of you have the following issue/problem. When filling out what I would call “forms” text boxes which you enter a value/word in, I use the “Tab” key to move between them and in doing so the OS usually pre-highlights the value in that field, so you can just overtype without having to select or delete the text first. In carbide this function on OS isn’t working as expected, when I tab, it doesn’t select the current value, so I find myself entering the value at the end of the existing value then getting an error because the field won’t allow the entry, then I have to delete out the value and re-enter correcting.

In examples in video attached I wanted a 200 x 300 box, but had to manually delete the old value/size of the pre-drawn box to enter new value.
I’ve also uploaded an example video of TAB function on your website where TAB pre-selects contents of box so you can just overtype to illustrate problem.

TAB within Carbide (1.5 MB)
TAB within Crabide (1.5 MB)


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