Is it possible for a limit switch to have the led on but not trigger to the controller? I’m having a weired issue with all my limit switches but my z switch lights upwhen I put a metal object near it but doesn’t seem to be detected by GRBL. I setup hard limits in GRBL and the x and y axis(before the sensor died) causes the shapeoko 4 to alarm but not the z switch. Of course homing wasn’t working either.
It appears all my sensors are bad and support have been very responsive but I’m just curious about the behaviour of the z switch.
If this is a new machine the switch may be working but not triggering. The instructions have you set the switches high. Move you x and y carriage to home position and turn on Shapeoko but do not initalize. Move switches down and see software interface says they are triggered. Tighten switches. Turn machine back off and move z up manually and turn back on and repeat adjusting z switch to see if it triggers. Then try initialization.
With controller cover removed you will see lights when triggered.
@fenrus@gdon_2003 The z switch used to register but now it lights up but doesn’t register. I’m looking at the status reports from the console and using cncjs so I have the full picture of what the board is doing. I just find it strange that the switch lights up but doesn’t register hence the question.
It could be a wiring problem. The prox switches have three wires: ground, 5V, and signal.
The ground and 5V are used to provide power to the switch, including lighting the LED when triggered. The signal wire goes back to the Shapeoko controller, and is shorted to ground when the switch is triggered. If (only) the signal wire is broken (at the switch, or anywhere down the line to the controller connector), you would get a LED lighting up but no detection in GRBL. It could also be that the defect is internal to the prox switch (the LED part works, but not the part driving the output signal). Either way, support will take care of that.