so I updated the software a while back progamed in my juice grove and handle cuts as well the cut are to the exact dimensions to the endgrain cutting board I was making for a client it literal cut 1/4" low on the juice grove and handles. I am now seriously pissed off as I stopped using the cnc for a bit due to the software issues out the with their latest updates. it now has costed me 67.00 and 4 hours of my time. This makes me literally want to throw the machine away as what’s the point if it can’t cut the simplest of cuts?!
How are you zeroing the job (BitZero, manual touch off, etc).
What is your Z reference - top or bottom - in the design file, and are you matching that when you zero?
Do you use the BitSetter?
Might be worth sharing your *.c2d file.
bit zero version 1 top
hanna C board part (9.1 KB)
as well use the bit setter
hanna cboard grove and handle.c2d (75.5 KB)
When you zero are you doing all coordinates, or just Z?
I do probe for all 3
Basically (you can search for this too) there are a few workflow things that tend to trip people up around BitZero and BitSetter, even if you’ve been successful in the past. If you follow them carefully you should be good every time, barring human error or a mechanical issue.
Ok. I’m putting kids down for the next while so if I don’t respond maybe someone else can jump in and double check your file and process.
never had issues at all till the new solfware updates for carbide create and motion. they still have yet to fix the send the code option and everything done since then lately has issues in the cuts
not a problem thank you
as well been using the bit setter and bit zero for almost a year now but 0 issues till the latest update took effect.
That’s helpful to know. Do you have some scrap to test on?
not at the moment currently
@Freedomwoodworks I don’t see anything too concerning in your *.c2d file or exported gcode (though not an expert there). It’s a tall block with a high retract, so worth confirming you aren’t losing position at the top of the travel. Otherwise I suspect an issue with zeroing Z since you say both the groove and the handle cutouts were recessed by the same amount. If it was only one or the other I would suspect an issue during tool change.
If your grooves are now 0.5" instead of 0.25", Dan’s suggestion about the z-axis lifting too high and “counting movement without physically moving” could be the issue.
Other suggestions of things to check since you’ve upgraded your software (both CC and CM?), though you’ve probably done all of these:
- In CC, you’ve checked that the Shapeoko post processor is selected
- In CM, you’ve visited the settings screen and made sure the machine selection and the z-axis type are correct, and you’ve sent the configuration.
- When setting zero with the bitzero, recheck that it’s hanging over the edge of the stock for the XYZ probe
It’s not the depth it’s literally a 1/4 inch off center
Forgot to say it’s also a zplus if that makes Any difference
Since the solfware update I have major issues. I am running the latest versions. They are crap in my opinion as you can’t even really save a gcode with out adding the .cn as well can’t send cut files to the cutter with one click. Their is a lot of issues and none of them have been fixed yet.
The .nc file extension issue is fixed in the new beta:
If you have any specific difficulties, send us a .c2d file, generated G-Code, step-by-step repeatable instructions for how you are securing your stock and setting zero relative to it, and a photo showing an attempt at cutting still in place on the machine and a description of the specific problem and we’ll do our best to look into this with you.