Machine cutting 1/4' off from design

Ah, you said it cut too low, which I interpreted as a Z issue.

I use the same clamps These clamps to hold everything down

Zero with bit zero and bit setter.

See the picture I posted it may help explain

Hi Zach,

I also interpreted “low” to mean Z axis… sorry about that.

In this picture, the two dimensions in red look to be the same:

This matches the dimensions in your .c2d file, at least visually. Here, the grid is at 0.25".

If the two red lines on the photo are 0.375 of an inch or so, then the edge of the wood where you’ve cut out the handles is not 11.5", but a little bigger.

… and since you flipped it over to do the other side, it is off by half the difference between your stock size and the wood size.

So if that bit of wood is 12" on one side, and your .c2d file shows it at 11.5, then when you flip it the design is 0.25" off center.

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look at the top edge

Yep… how long is that edge?

Can you measure these two lines?

The stock is the exact dimensions in the file.

10.25 is the middle and 11.5 is the with

So there is another offset on the board on the other side (the bit that is not in the photo?)

The reason for the question is that the groove in the bottom corner in your picture is the same distance from the left and the bottom of the stock.

If it is the correct distance from the edge, then the groove itself is also symmetrical with respect to the handle.

If it had started .25" “up”, which is thought the be the issue, then it would no longer be the same distance from the bottom as the left side.

Understood. So the other edge of the board has the groove too far from both the side and the top?

The way it was later put the bottom side was at the front of the machine. The back side (longer distance on the edge was at the back side. It looks like it for some reason cut 1/4 short. I will have to make another but round up some scrap and do a test first with the beta software.

The other side is identical to that one the top line was just off by a 1/4 inch. Sorry for replying out of order just saw the notification as I am not home.

This is pretty curious.

If three sides of the groove are exactly the same distance from the edge, and it is only one edge that is off by 1/4", then the grooved shape is either the wrong size, or the stock is the wrong size.

I’m not home so can’t view your file but did you simulate this prior to cutting? Did you see the difference?

The only reason I ask is because I had a project a week or 2 ago where I selected all lines like yours and made a contour path on the outside path. 3 sides were on the outside and the 4th was cutting on the inside for some reason. I ended up deleting the toolpath along with the lines, redrew it and created a new tool path and it worked. It only happened that one time and haven’t been able to repeat it so chalked it up to my user error somehow.

Prior I didn’t notice but will definitely be way more mindful

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