"Machine Position" in carbide motion display randomly changes to absolute

We have a shapeoko 3XL and Carbide Motion (build 640) randomly will change the “Machine Position” display from relative to where we have set the zeros to absolute coordinates from home. Rebooting will not change them back.
Does anyone have a trick to set them back to displaying the relative coordinates?
Note we never switch to absolute coordinates in the G-code. We’re always working relative to the offsets.


If you click on “Position” it will toggle to “Machine Position”, and the reverse holds — click on “Machine Position” to return to “Position”.

No idea that was an active link.

I have not even noticed this as an item that toggled? What is the purpose of this function?

To provide access to the position of the machine in terms of the machine zero.

It’s quite handy for getting to zero relative to a fixture for example.

Got it, thank you. I guess I’ll be poking around some in CM.

I too had to have this toggle effect pointed out. It’s very useful to know the Machine Position if you’re switching between projects which require multiple visits to the machine.

For a given project, write down the Machine Position coordinates for X and Y when homed. Do another project with a new home. When you return to the previous project, return to these coordinates and re-zero the X and Y. You can easily do this in CM’s MDI panel by entering:


where “nnn” is the machine coordinate for that axis.

Some folks use the six rapid position buttons in the Jog panel but this is more versatile, you’re not restricted to those set positions.

Thank you as well for the information. So far I have only used the rapid jogs from the homing position to start projects. I’m a long ways from foraging into the Gode…

Everything one needs to know about Carbide Motion ought to be covered at:


FWIW, I wrote up a bit (mostly for my own reference) at:

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Thanks again Will, I appreciate the reference. Bookmarked!