Hopefully this might be helpful for storing multiple Zero locations and it may have been covered elsewhere. I created the first user macro by finding the lower left corner of my (secondary) spoilboard using the BitZero v2 tool. Then created a macro with the following G-Code:
You can substitute the X and Y values that you want…
The Z axis zero value should be reset appropriately for the material used.
The first line sets the zero coordinates.
The second line raises the spindle to a safe location.
The third line moves the spindle to the new X and Y zero location.
It seems to work fine on my Shapeoko Pro.
I created a second macro that does the same thing except it zeros and moves to the center of my spoilboard:
Where are the XY coordinates measured from? I thought G10 L2 measures from the homing position / machine zero. Why are they not negative numbers? Is this currently working?