I had worked this up about the csv file and Will Adams gave me some of the values for the fields. Hope this helps. For a metric tool list I think you need to make a custom list. The “Metric” field seems to affect a lot of fields and I do not think they would be “interputed” if you originally has the values for Imperial and simply flipped the bit for metric. I think the “Metric” has to be set and then metric values input for your metric tool to run properly.
Number={Numeric Number} Tool number in library, arbitrary number assigned by user, avoid using tool numbers already used by Carbide3d.
Vendor={Text} Manufacturer of Tool
Model={Text} Model Number of Tool
URL={https://example.com } Vendor URL for model of bit, in form of hyperlink
Name={Text} Human Readable Name
Type={Text} End,Ball,Vee,Engraver
Diameter=Diameter of bit, Dependent on “Metric” setting
Cornerradius=that is the radius of a ball-nosed end mill, Dependent on “Metric” setting
Shaftdiameter={Numeric Number} Diameter of bit shaft, Dependent on “Metric” setting (.25, .125, 4MM, 8MM)
Angle={Numeric Number} That is the angle of a Vee endmill expressed in degrees
Numflutes=Number of Flutes on bit
Stickout=Another bit of future-proofing, that would be how much of the endmill projects from the collet.
Coating={Text} name of coating on bit
Metric={1,0} 1=Metric 0=Imperial
Notes={Text| field for notes
Machine={Nomad, Shapeoko} What type of machine the feeds and speeds are for
Material={Text} these are the curated materials from Carbide3d Tool Databases
Plungerate={Numeric Number} Rate which CNC will plunge bit. Dependent on “Metric” setting.
Feedrate={Numeric Number} InchPerMinute (IPM)/Meters per Minute (MPM) which CNC will move bit. Rate depends on “Metric” field
RPM={Numeric Number} Revolutions per minute of router
Depth={Numeric Number} Depth of Cut (DOC) per pass. Rate depends on “Metric” field
Cutpower=Future-proofing for the possibility of doing chip load calculations I believe.
Finishallowance=(Numeric Number} How much material is left uncut when making a 3D roughing pass. Rate depends on “Metric” field
3dstepover={Numeric Number} Characteristics for cutting in 3D tool paths. Rate depends on “Metric” field
3dfeedrate={Numeric Number} Characteristics for cutting in 3D tool paths. Rate depends on “Metric” field
3drpm={Numeric Number} RPM of Spindle} Characteristics for cutting in 3D tool paths