I just assembled my new Shapeoko XXL. I configured the MSI, then homed the device. It moved just fine until the last few centimeters of movement to get fully home. It seemed to almost grind till it was homed.
I tried to move it using Motion, but the motors just click. Like they are getting a signal, but can’t move.
Anyone experience this?
Emailed Shapeoko, they haven’t got back with me yet.
bad switch — make certain that each switch will light up the matching light on the controller
homing switch not closing — check and make sure that the machine can mechanically close the switches before reaching the limit of movement — if it can’t, loosen the hardware in question, pull things into a better alignment, then tighten
That doesn’t sound completely abnormal…Does homing look and sound like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNTAbqgkaN0
Jogging with a very small step size can sound like just a click, but not look like movement. Are you sure you set the jog step to something large enough to see? 10mm? 100mm?
Mike, this is exactly what my issue was, I turned up the stepping speed to fast, and it works great. I feel like an idiot, but thank you so much for your reply. In case you couldn’t tell, I’m brand new to CNC and stepper motors, but anxious to start using this thing.