Move up from Carbide Create

I’ve noted that others are also talking about using their Macs for their CNC work. Below is a Title & LINK to the 10 best CAD pkgs for Mac work. I was surprised to see that F360 is on the list for Macs. This is a very long list of information about CAD/CAM software so you’ll want to set aside a chunk of time to really go down through the site and to try and assimilate the information.

10 Best CAD software for Mac of 2023 for all levels.

On occasions, I’ve used DeskProto for 3D carving. Carbide Create is my #1 program and I find myself always learning with it. DeskProto is not a CAD where you create with but I like to think of it as an enhancement program for use with Carbide Motion.

Might give PixelCNC a try.
On sale ($75) and has a ton of features.

Quite the learning curve though…
Also, I notice you are using a MAC and I do not know if this is compatible or not. If not, ($170)

seems to work quite well.

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The .dxf part is possible on the free version, right click the sketch and select “save as dxf”


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Thanks. I wasn’t aware of this.

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