My Shapeoko is broken! I need help please

I had to abort the cutting session in the middle of the program.
And now it shakes and vibrates (is it trying to find the sensors?), and then stops.
It no longer moves at all. I was able to move it to the upper right manually, hoping that it would reset its homing sensors. But nothing. I restarted the program, but it continues to say ERROR and that it cannot find the homing sensor.

Did I break it for good? All I did was hit stop, and it turned everything off.
Is there a way to reset it?

Thank you.

There is a basic page on troubleshooting the homing switches at:

There is also a Carbide 3D Answer video:

For the new inductive homing switches: Troubleshooting:

and Adjusting:

Thanks, but the switches worked fine until I had to shut down the system suddenly.
Now, it can’t find its way home or even move at all. It just vibrates.

Check the wiring to the stepper on the axis that vibrates, and check the pulley is tight on the stepper shaft.

Is it the Z axis that vibrates and fails?

I suggest you go and check each of your limit switches in the “Settings” page in CM: assuming you have the proximity sensors, turn on the machine, bring a metal object near each of them, and check whether CM displays a little message then. Do this for X, Y and Z switches.

Even though your sensors were working fine before, it is possible that wiring came loose or something, and in any case you will want to know if the problem is the sensors themselves, so testing them manually like that in CM will tell you whether any of them is not operating correctly. If they do work fine, a possible explanation would be that their position is such that they don’t get triggered before the axis contacts with the plates (i.e. one of the sensors could be positioned slightly too far to pick up the presence of metal in the limit position)

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Thank you, I’ll check the sensors again under settings. But, they do light up fine when I place a piece of metal on them.

Something else happened I think. When I push the router down it does travel up when I hit “initialize“, but it keeps try to go up and makes a terrible sound. Finally stops. Same when I slide it all the way to the right. It’s moves left down the X rail a few inches and makes the same strange sound!

Can the system be reset somehow?

Ok, so likely a mechanical clearance/travel issue somewhere

which would seem to indicate that the Z axis crashes on top before the Z switch has chance to trigger. What Z axis type do you have, can you take a close-up picture of the Z axis in the top position / when it crashes with the strange sound ?

Did you mean it moves right down the X rail ?
To make sure you don’t mistake the Z axis issue for an X axis issue, you should try to start with the router positioned in the center of the work area, i.e. with X and Y axis far from their limits. Then initialize, and check that only the Z axis produces the strange sound, while the X and Y axes are still far from their limits.

You could always go in the Settings menu, make sure the correc options are selected, then use “Send Configuration”

If those tests do not allow to figure out what’s going on, you should probably contact

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Sounds to me like your Z axis isn’t hitting the limit switch when its homing.

Make sure the switch hasnt moved away from its correct place, and lights up when the z axis moves up to home - it may be misaligned

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I found the problem, loose post! see photo.
What’s the best, most efficient way to get to that loose post?
Can I just remove the motor from the top and then slide the router mount assembly out, so I don’t have to square everything again? Is that post even serving a purpose?

The purpose that post serves, is to activate your Z proximity switch.

You might be able to tighten it without disassembling, but I had to take the router, and the front plate off of the Z+ to get to mine. Carriage doesn’t have to come off the X rail though.

It’s not really something one can get at w/o disassembly and we don’t want folks doing that unless specifically instructed in how to do so — please contact us at and we’ll do our best to get this resolved.

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I did the same thing and the shaking indicated some broken/chipped guild wheels…take a close look

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