New Bitsetter issure

I added the Bitswetter as soon as it came out onto my XXl. Worked fine, had no issues.

This morning after powering everything up and loading a job, after homeing and loading the bit, while trying to set Z with the bitsetter, I found there was no power to the setter.

I checked all the connections and all are tight. Even took them apart wiggled them and still nothing.

I get no red light when I press it down manually. I do have a bitzero, the alligator clip is not touching and it does work when used. Anyone else have issues with no power to the bitsetter?

Central FLA

How do you have it connected? Can you swap it with the BitZero and see if that changes anything?

I will give it a shot… it is connected with their connector into the control board.

I swapped out the connection as you suggested, the touch probe has power, still nothing to the bitsetter.

So im guessing the bitsetter has “bit” the dust.

I guess it’s time to contact about your problem then, to see what they can do for you

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yes thanks, I just sent them a note.

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