New guy help please

I have created several g codes, very simple ones just to test out the machine. But for some reason carbide motion freezes when I try to run them. I am sure it is something simple I am overlooking, but can’t find where anyone else is having the same issue.
My steps:
The simulation in carbide create looks good, I save the g code, I open carbide motion, I turn on the machine, initialize the machine, I zero the bit on the correct corner, after zeroing everything I raise the z a bit, load the file, run the file and it freezes on line 4 of commands every time. Please help

Please post the .c2d file, and generated G-Code.

What post processor do you have selected under Edit | Select Post processor?

Are you running CM on Windows or Mac OS X?

Send us a screen grab of CM frozen?

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I selected shapeoko 3
running windows 10

Hi @Bitz,

your G-code file indicates you actually did not have the Shapeoko post-processor selected at the time you generated this file

(this line :

M0 ;T201

indicates this)

Go back to Edit / Select Post-processor, check “Carbide 3D SHapeoko3” is selected, and then re-save G-code for that project.


Ok I will do that, Thank you so much for the quick replies! I knew it was something simple, but I could not figure it out.

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The post processor seems to crop up a lot. I seem to remember earlier versions that had the multiple post processors defaulted to Shapeoko. So even if you had a nomad it would most likely work. I dont know the percentage of Shapeoko vs Nomad but I would bet the Shapeoko out numbers the Nomad. So please ask the software writers to default to Shapeoko. You will have fewer people with errors and they can then investigate and change the pp.

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