New H100 VFD- need help setting up for 0-5V operation

Hello, I just received a new H100 VFD from G-Penny to replace my faulty Huanyang VFD, they’ve sent me a couple of english manuals as well but on first glance the parameter lists are slightly different. I have it running using the front dial as a speed control but would really like it to be controlled by the arduino PWM. Does anyone have any insights into what to alter to make this happen?

Hi @JappieMike,

You may have seen this thread on setting up a Huanyang VFD ?

While I am not familiar with the H100 series, and the name/numbering of the parameters will probably be different, there is still generic information in that thread about what parameters should be altered to enable speed control from the PWM.

Assuming your VFD is setup correctly to match your spindle characteristics and run in manual mode, then there must be a parameter in the user guide to select what the source of the RPM target is, something that says “0 for the knob, 1 for analog input XYZ, 2 for RS485 communication”. You will need to set that to whatever analog input is specified. Then, you need to look for the parameter to specify the voltage range of that analog input: it should be 0 to 5V (which is what the Shapeoko controller generates for the PWM). That should get you 95% of the way to completion. On the huanyang VFD we also added a wire to force the rotation direction to forward, but that can be forced using parameters too. There may be subtleties for your model, but that’s the main story.

If you can’t get it to work, upload the user guide for your H100 and we’ll have a look.

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Hi Julien, the parameters are remarkably similar for the most part, some of their defaults are different, the allowable ranges are bigger in some instances and some of the option ranges are bigger and those are what I need to sort out. I did manage to get it to run using PWM yesterday but the spindle speed was about 6 times higher than the gcode called for. I will go over your very helpful posts as that is what I used to get my Huanyang VFD working. I do have a copy of the english manual as a pdf, but not broken into individual words so searching is impossible.

A few possible leads:

  • check your GRBL setting $30 on the Shapeoko side, it should be set to the max RPM of your spindle (probably 24000). Check that $31 is set to 0 (min spindle RPM)
  • many VFD have a set of parameters to tune how the input PWM voltage (0 to 5V) is mapped to the spindle’s frequency range (0 to 400Hz, typically). You might need to adjust those such that 0V = 0Hz and 5V = 400Hz.
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