One Laptop Two Shapeoko XXL & XL

I got an XL to add to my XXL. When I crank up CM will have to send the config to the machine everytime I switch from one to the other.
The XXL has HDZ, BitSetter, BitRunner
The XL has Belt Z, BitSetter and waiting on BitRunner.

I had been running the XL and went back to the XXL and the BitSetter was trying to be used at the position of the XL. This is why I am asking. Both machines have been sent their config for what they have but CM seems to remember the last machine used.

Any advise on running two Shapeoko with one laptop, one CM?

Since some aspects of the configuration are local to the Carbide Motion install, it’s not exactly convenient.

My suggestion would be either two separate computers, or at the least two separate accounts.

I’m planning on using different Micro SD cards for each machine in my Raspberry Pi as another way to handle this.

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