Oramask 831 topcoat spraypaint problems

You do not mention the material but maybe it is the material and/or F&S and/or your V-bit. My VCarve cuts in MDF were excellent with very little fuzzies but the right F&S recipe seems elusive. It is probably due in part to the bit constantly plunging and lifting while the feed rate remains constant.

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This was done in pine which was stained first then a coat of water based polyurethane which was allowed to dry for several days. The pine was fine, no fuzzies to speak of. It was the shelf liner that needed to be cleaned up. I’m not at home right now, so I can’t get actual F&S but I think it was somewhere around 60 ipm and 18,000 RPM. I will probably do another one of these and use the V bit only for the text. I would use small downcut endmills for the snake

To remove the small fuzzies in the mask. I use wood scrapers and follow the curve, the sharp edge just removes all the fuzzies.


Hi could you tell me why you used the different bit and what they cut in your design.
Did the product you used to coat your wood tell you it took that long to dry. or did you just do it that way.
Jeff Peters

Jeff, the one in the image the text and tree and the snow flake at the top of the tree were all cut with a Vbit. I made another slightly different that used a 1/8in endmill for the snowflake and for the cutout but I did not like the design when finished. The one in the picture was produced on a piece of MDF cut to size before routing.

I waited longer for the paint to dry because many of the cans will say dries in 45 minutes or so but this is only the handling time, paint and glue take longer to cure, adhere to the surface and have a hard finish. It also depends on heat and humidity. Sometimes when it is humid, it will take much more time to dry. Many people put their painted project in the sun to cure the paint faster. The same with the glue of the mask. if you pull the mask right after you install it, it is easier to remove, it give time for the glue to adhere to the surface.

I did give a lot of time for everything to dry in this case because I wanted to test in the best conditions to measure performance. There was no way someone would say that it did not work because I did not wait long enough and have to redo the test. I have shorten the time for other projects but this is called experience based on trial and error.

I hope this helps

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