Pass-thru of long materials

Is there anything stopping you from working on longer materials that don’t fit on the bed? If I wanted to use a 2’X8’ piece of plywood, pushing parts of it through at a time? I have a Glowforge and it has a slot for longer materials, I’m looking for similar. I’m building out my shop and I want to make sure to accommodate larger pieces of material. But only if that’s even possible. Thanks.

For 2x8’ you’d need an XL or XXL to handle the 2’ width, but if you have room in your shop you could feasibly cut an infinite length feeding front to back.



Planning on creating designs longer than your work area? For your research, the process is called tiling. Many of us do it.



Thanks! I would like to do some 8’ long projects with some topo maps.

Thanks. I’m building my shop (see my other thread) for the XXL that just arrived 2 days ago. I started on the shop when I ordered it.

Okay, now you’ve got me wanting to figure out how large a Mobius strip the machine could make.


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