Please Help! SO3 XXL

I have a new SO3 xxl and have been having a multitude of issues with the bit setter and zeroing. I’m the videos I see the tool going to the bit setter and plunging down and then beginning a project. I jog mine down ,!set the zero and begin. I was trying to run the waste board hole pattern, uploaded the file and it only worked in the bottom right corner and crashed and milled the top of the bit setter. Can anyone help me understand why? Feeling pretty overwhelmed by CNC now and it’s ruining my feelings towards using the tool. I’ve included a photo link

It’s quite possible you’ve set the toolpath zero in Carbide Create to the cente of the workpiece, but started the cut from the bottom left hand corner?

Post the *.c3d and *.nc files here, and we can take a closer look.


Please contact us about this at — we should be able to cover the BitRunner damage under our 30 day warranty if applicable, if not we can at least send you a replacement plastic cover.

I used the link in the tutorials and downloaded that file for the waste board. And thanks for trying to help

Thank you. Your support has been great. I’m not looking to replace the bit setter, make a plastic top since it’s my fault

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The file at:

is for a standard size machine. Did you re-work it for the XXL size? If so, post it.

Did you instead download the XXL version from:

Let us know and we’ll work out how to work through this with you.

In the picture above looks like you already made your spoil board. If you made it according to the dimensions of 32.5in wide x 30.00in tall it too big to surface. The advertised cuting area of the XXL is 32x33 and that is true except part of the 33 inches is off t he front of the machine. The attached document is a draft procedure I am working on for making a wasteboard. Take a look and see if you can use any of the information contained inside. Any comments would be appreciated.

spoilboard_considerations.pdf (1.3 MB)

I have attached my optomized XXL wasteboard for my XXL. You are welcome to use it but look it over and change anything you want to. Measure your MDF thickness and change it in the Design Set up for your thickness and dimensions. In the tool paths you must edit them after you set your material size. I used the “Use Stock Bottom” and if your mdf is a diferent size from wht I used the setting in the tool path is still saved as my thickness of mdf. Just edit the through hole and select use stock bottom and then save the tool paths and project.

optomized_xxl_spoilboard_03082021.c2d (1.3 MB)

If you want some fences for your XXL I have some XL fences already made up. The front is 32 so it will work. The left side fence is shorter but you can modify it if you want. Same as for wasteboard you need to modify the tool paths because I used Use Stock Bottom and your mdf may be a different thickness.

xl_leftfence.c2d (42.4 KB)
xl_front_fence.c2d (90.7 KB)

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