Pro 4ft width upgrade

:pray::pray:PLEASE :pray::pray:

Will buy right meow💳

The upgrade here is to buy a 4ft wide Shapeoko 5 Pro:

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Ugh, i was waiting for this post lol, i had setup the proxxl for like 1 month prior to the new release, i would have surley waited lol.

Thats like wanting new rims on your ride but told you need to buy a car to get them lol.

They always stated they would not have an expansion kit for the SO4 and SO4 Pro. All of the design changes needed to make them significantly better than the easier to upgrade SO3, meant that upsizing was more costly than selling your existing one and purchasing the larger one. Sucks, but with more rigidity, speed, workholding, and everything else, came that singular disadvantage.


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