Pro trial crashes when I try to import image in "Model" mode


Every time I try to import an image in “model” mode pro trial crashes, no explanation.
Its a .PNG, it happens when I select .PNG only or "Image files PNG, JPG, BMP.

I’d like to potentially subscribe to pro mode, but this isn’t giving me much confidence.

I’m running an i7 MacBook Pro, Catalina & 16GB ram

Anyone else had this problem.

UK user

Please post the image here, or send it in to

You can see from image once I select it, I get the open option, then click and it crashes.

The file is a screen dump saved in PNG format.

I snipped out your graphic as:


Launched Carbide Create Pro and drew a box:

switched to the 3D pane and imported the image:

Please post the specific file which you are having difficulty with.

just tried moving file from its original location to desktop and selecting from there, drew a box then tried import and got crash again

Also this issue isn’t related just to this file, I’ve had a similar issue with multiple files across my two computers. I use laptop in front of CN and desktop in office and it happens on both

Imports fine on my machine:

Please go to the Start Menu, type “msinfo” and run the System Information tool and save the output from it as a .txt file using your last and first name and send that in to us at along w/ the file and we’ll do our best to look into this with you.


monkey.c2d (100.6 KB)

Looks like @MonkeyNutsBrox is running Carbide Create Pro on a Mac. Not sure if this is the same problem that I reported, but I also encountered reproducible crashes while importing images on the Mac version.


Ah, undone by the UI convergence on dark mode (could have sworn it was a Windows screen grab).

But it worked on my MacBook Pro as well:

Can you share a screenshot of your job setup screen?

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When I tried your file attached I got prompt that the file was created in newer version of Carbide, so tried checked versions I’m running build 520 and Mac latest is 520, and notice you mention Start button in chat, I’m on Mac, even my MacPro 6.1 with 6gb video card and 64gb ram has this problem with multiply files.

Still get the crash results with this setup.

What settings are you using when attempting to import? Do you change anything from the defaults?

I don’t even get that far, as soon as I click on open from the open file dialogue window Carbide crashes

Okay, we’ve got your crash log in the support queue — we’ll see what the developers can work out.

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