Everything has been going pretty good minus probing errors after a bit change. Not every time, but enough to suck. Also when this happens it cancels my current job, which obviously isn’t ideal as all I can do is reload it and run it all again to that point while cutting air then hope the bit change doesn’t fail to probe again.
Is this a known issue with a fix? I will leave it failed this time in case you need a log or something to help.
It’s only day 4 for me with this maci, but minus these occasional errors I am loving this thing!
Please help lol
I guess I should email this to the help line as well.
Check your connectors. As you know the bit goes down and red light comes on, bit raises and comes down slowly until red lifgt comes on again setting zero for new bit.
Where does your failure happen on first plunge or second. Does your red light come on?
The machine has so long to trigger red light or you get a probe error.
I’ve never paid that much attention to the position values during the initialization sequence, but your zaxis has a max travel distance of 100mm and your CM screen shows it’s at -174mm from where it thinks zero is. Might not be a problem but it looks odd - I’ll have to check what my XL says when probing.
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately my machine is still down. All the connections seem good, but when I initialize the machine it’s all good, then change bit then it goes to the bit setter, lowers down to the point of contact, makes a grinding noise and fails. Z is at -178.
I would suggest disabling the BitSetter, then contacting support@carbide3d.com and using the machine w/o the BitSetter until we can work out w/ you the issue w/ your BitSetter configuration.
One thing to check, make sure that if you have a bitzero, that the clip and the bitzero aren’t touching. If those are touching (e.g. electrical contact) the bitzero will also fail to probe
Thanks Will. I shut off the bit setter, but now my machine will not reach max depth on Z. When I lower it it stops about a half inch above the table. The machine is no longer grinding tho, so that’s a plus. I tried uploading a video of when it couldn’t reach the bit setter but couldn’t due to file type.
Any chance you changed/adjusted the endmill stickout since then ? (longer endmill or larger stickout before ?)
It sounds like your Zaxis is reaching its bottom mechanical limit.
looks like the end mill stick out needs increased.
It is close and thats why you have to trigger the switch manually, thing is, when you do that it has already lost z-steps and now raises too high and whacks the limit switch.
Give yourself a little more stick out with that end mill and it may work.
also, I am not sure, but in the first video it looks like you may be able to slide the router down in the spindle mount just a little more?
thinking a bit further on it, Are you sure that limit switch is mounted in the correct place?
The reason I ask is because I would think the machine would be designed so that it hit a solid place mechanically before it could actually harm the switch?
maybe not, idk…
You are correct that I can lower the bit and it will “make” the switch this time… This is one scenario tho, as I also have the issue of it making this noise sometimes 1-2" above the button, this time I showed it was close, but it isn’t always anywhere near the button.
I can try to film it doing it with different heights.
I can try to film it doing it with different heights.
See @Ed.E 's reply above - your Z-axis limit switch is not properly attached. It’s loose and so the upper limit for Z travel is too high (and variable). The limit switch attaches with two hex head bolts. Turn the machine off, lower the carriage an inch or so, then position the switch and tighten into place. Then reinitialize.
As Ben reiterates, the Z Switch is the issue. I’ll just add that these switches are “proximity” switches and not contact switches. In operation, then should never actually touch anything, and certainly never be moved by anything.
I have lowered it all the way and retightened more then once. A loose switch is the result, not the cause. Hopefully Carbide contacts me today, I’m guessing the switch is bad. I get it is a proximity sensor, problem also is it senses (led turns on), yet doesn’t send signal to stop.