Honestly my biggest issue is the customer service that I have read so much about. I’ve had employees answer questions here on the forum with amazing speed, but heard nothing from the email I sent support, even though I received an automated email stating a response within 4 hours in weekdays and 8 hours on weekends. It has now been 39 hours and counting…
I understand it was the weekend, but that being said don’t have an automated email telling me you would respond in 6-8 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I lost a whole weekend waiting for a response that still hasn’t come. I hope I’m not coming off as rude, just stating facts.
Well, let the folks have the weekend.
They are pretty good at returning your contact.
For a time killer, I would be looking at how the z-axis homing switch mounts.
I think it is wrong and is causing a lot of this issue…
from observing the video, the switch and wiring are working, just not at the correct position.
I do notice that you have the switch at it’s lowest position with the slots.
that is suspect.
and then when the z-axis actually lifts the switch around .75 inch, that should not happen.
However, the red LED does light up when triggered,
and the upwards movement is stopped, so, the switch works, the wires are good, it is hooked up correctly, just out of position.
I would guess raise it and move it a little towards the rear.
just a guess
The constant efforts to help from this forum are nothing short of amazing.
I have mounted that limit all the way up as well as all the way down and even middle of the road with little to no difference in the outcome. I have noticed that if I wiggle the wires I can get the limit LED to flicker which leads me to think that something is loose in the harness of the limit.
I know the endmill is short and doesn’t stick out very far, between here and the FB page I’ve been told many times, but every time I bring up my 60v that is even shorter that worked without issue before Saturday.
Long story short I have heard from a member of the Carbide team in a non- public response and am grateful to all of you that have assisted me in my struggles.
I will report back with the final conclusion in the event that someone searches for similar issues in the future.
Thanks again everyone and have a great day making sawdust!
Quick update: Shared here and FB. Carbide sent the new Z axis with overnight shipping and it arrived and is installed. They followed up with emails and a phone call asking to give assistance putting everything back together. Preliminary tests show that the issue (bad connector on the stepper motor) has been resolved! I will keep putting it through the paces throughout the week, but wanted to thank everyone here who took the time to comment and give their opinions, this page along with the Facebook page are two of the best communities I have come across. As for Carbide I feel I made the right decision choosing them and would recommend their products to anyone doing their research.