"Production Restart" in Carbide Motion

Especially if linked to the vac system to shut that off as well. I can barely hear my router over my dust collector.

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It sounds like the best approach would be:

  1. No fast probe to check tool position
  2. Router on/off popups for users without a BitRunner/VFD
  3. No speed change popups if you have a BitRunner. Maybe a way to show it in the UI without a popup.

Thanks for the feedback.

And yes, unrelated to this feature, the ability to restart a program on any line will be in CM6. That code is already maybe 70% done.


Restarting on any line will be the biggest time saver.


this makes me excited!!! thx for doing this for us!!!

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I know it’s not one of the 3 questions / options being considered, but figured I’d bring it up because it is Production related; what about the option to set a Park location?


Yes, it would be super useful to be able to have the spindle be more out-of-the-way than just “go straight back”.

It’s not on the short-term todo list, but that is something we’d look at for V6 now that we’re redoing all of the machine configuration and setup code.

What’s more out of the way than that?


Is there a way to have a return to zero option after an error? Sometimes after an error with cutting all I need is the setup to return to the zero and not reinitialize everything. Having the machine and go back to the zero and reconfirm the bit set as an option would be so much faster. Similar to a soft reset instead of a hard reset if that makes sense.

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If this works similar to the way it is implemented in Mach 3, you should be able to verify your zero, and once they are verified, or corrected, then you would enter the line number you want to restart with.

If it works similar to Mach 3.


I’m in the same boat. A full reset is so frustrating and slow. Probably my least favorite part of working with a Shapeoko. If I stop a job for some reason (e.g., I realized I hadn’t tightened my clamp or something), it would be great to be prompted: “Would you like to reinitialize machine, or go back to zero?”

What error do you get during cutting that doesn’t require a full reset?

The stop/restart workflow in V6 should be a lot closer to this.


somewhat related… would it be possible to have a “re-home machine” kind of button on the pause screen? Maybe also a “redo bitsetter”

(scenario: the sweepy bristles hit the material, I can’t trust the Z entirely anymore, so hit pause, switch to the brushless sweepy but would like to recalibrate my x/y/z before continuing)

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I was actually thinking that this morning.

Pretty much all my work starts in the lower left part of the bed. So, more-out-of-the-way than straight back is back, and then all they way to the right.

If I may make another feature request for a future version of CM. I have three laser engravers and the software (Lightburn) I use has a “Frame” function that I believe would be a great help to CNC owners. I just traces the outer edge of the design to insure your laser will stay within your work piece. For CNC work it would give you a heads up of how close your tooling would be to the hold downs.
I haven’t hit a hold down yet but I have gotten a lot closer than I intended.
Thank you for a great piece of software and for making improvements with consideration of the people using it.


That’s on the list for V6


I realize this is off topic to a degree but how about another enhancement for CM: I have made many projects in which I use several advanced vcarve tool paths with pockets integrating graphics with text at differing depths Most of the time I use a 60 degree vee and a 1/8" or 1/4" end mill for the pocket. It would be great if CM could reorganize the gcode so that all of the same operations with each bit were done while that bit is in the spindle so that tool changes would be minimized.

Perhaps the Advanced V-Carve could spit out 2 toolpaths?? They would have to be kept associative somehow. And editing either one would edit the pair. But then you could order them however you wanted.

Another thing that would be nice to have is a “Go To” feature. If I have 2 or 3 pieces on the waste board at once I would be able to enter the “Go To” coordinates to move between the X&Y zeroes of each piece while not having to drag out the Bitzero every time (once you find the X&Y zeroes the first time). I also have made a 4" grid on the waste board with 1/4" holes that I put dowels in so I can ensure that my work is square to the machine. By installing a new work piece (using the dowels) the corner of the piece is always in the same spot. The first time you use the Bitzero to find that corner, then you can move to the SW corner in CM to determine the X&Y coordinates. If you do the same thing for the other pieces you’re working on you can move between pieces without having to Bitzero every time. Also once you find the X&Y zero in the corner of a set of dowels (no matter where it is on the work space) you can find the corner of any piece you’re working on in the future by going to the SW corner after startup, zero X&Y, enter in the coordinates and you’re there. You then only have to zero the Z axis with the paper method which is real quick.
I have also made a couple of items that have had the corners filleted and had to remove them for epoxy pouring and have a tough time with the Bitzero because of the filleted corner. I have to install a square piece of wood, set the X&Y zero, and then reinstall the filleted piece using the dowels.

Food for thought.

You can pretty much do that now with Quick Actions. Just note the machine co-ordinates of the point you want to go to, and edit one of the examples to suit.

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