"Production Restart" in Carbide Motion

You may have zero’d in on the culprit.

The Cancel button on the Quick Actions window. It seems I can reliably reproduce the issue every time I touch THAT button.

If I use the ‘X’ at the top right corner of the window to close the Quick Actions menu, it’s fine. Use the Cancel button, touch input to CM disappears - the mouse cursor still moves to the touch point but CM does not register any input touch button presses.

Yes, you are right. It was the chance I hit, not the x.

Unrelated but annoying bug in CC. If I open a file to look at something and then close the window without doing anything really it pops up a bugsplat window. I just ignore it. The hang in CM is harder to ignore.

Maybe I need a quick action that doesn’t do anything if I really wanted to cancel, like opened by mistake or whatever.

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With any luck, now that we seem to have narrowed down where in the code the bug is located, the development team will be able to fix it.

Other Cancel buttons in the CM UI work just fine without causing issue.

When will this be in the CM beta? I have to cut 450 bees for a school and this would be helpful

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