Progressive tool size

I’m wanting to cut out a tree using multiple mills. The leaves and branches using a v-bit and the truck and larger branches with a couple different sizes of end mills.

What is the preferred method to do this. The tree only has one single vector. So, I’m not sure there is a way to box regions over a single vector. Maybe I need to break up the tree into small vectors?

I must be making this harder than it is… Ideas would be most welcome

advanced vcarve can do the main part with a single flat endmill, and a V bit for the tiny details.

if you have a “half each time” set of endmills, I’ve done some variation:
First I did an advanced vcarve with the bigger normal endmill
Second I did an inside contour with this same endmill
Third I did an inside contour with with smaller endmill

each progressive endmill will take care of the smaller and smaller endmills


I guess I need to understand the rules of Carbide. If I have one vector and start with the largest bit, it is only going to cut what it can. I get that. But when that’s cut, and I go to a smaller bit, does that smaller bit go over the area that has already been cut out with the larger?

yes if you do a pocket for both

if the 2nd bit is at least half the size of the first bit, you dont need a pocket, You can just do a contour toolpath (inside contour) instead for exactly the same effect at a lot less cutting time.
(this only works if the bit is half or more)


This is known as “Rest machining” — Carbide Create does not at this time have specific support for this.

You can do fancy geometry work to isolate the specific regions which would warrant using a smaller endmill, but as folks noted, using an Advanced V carve toolpath is the most expedient way to address this.

The other way would be to do this as a 3D model if you have pro — it will allow revisiting the design with a succession of smaller endmills.

Thank you so much!

This helps a ton.

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