Question about origin and an error message

I attached a picture of an error I got while doing a run with my Shapeoko 3. The run proceeded as intended and stopped when it should have, so it still sorta worked. But the machine got disconnected from my laptop (despite the USB cord still being plugged in) and I got this error message. The side of the controller still blinked green and red lights, with the blue light being constantly on. After all this tho, I unplugged and replugged the machine and it initialized just fine. Anyone else got this error? Anyway to prevent it or solve it?

Additionally, The cutting area for the Shapeoko 3 is supposed to be 16" square, right? I tried to flatten my wasteboard with a 16" square cutting area (that’s what I made in my Carbine Create v5), but the result was just a 12 3/8" square. I zero’d the origin near the front end of the wasteboard, but the bottom edge is further up than I planned (picture attached). Anyone know why the origin seemed to have “moved”?

Hi @brainy19,

Disconnects are usually induced by electrical effects/electro-magnetic interfence on machines/setups where the grounding is not as good as it could be. There are a number of causes, so for a diagnosis of your setup and what to do to prevent those from happening again, you should contact

About the work area the thing is, on a Shapeoko3 the 16"x16" area is not all located between the front and back plates, it is slightly shifted so some of it overhangs the front of the machine like so:

(work area in green, and the figure show the two limit positions of the X gantry along the Y axis)

This is useful when you need to mill the side of a long piece, using vertical workholding in the front of the machine (there are a few threads around this)

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I see, thank you for your help!

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