Question regarding assembly

Good afternoon,
So, is there an actual assembly instructions somewhere for a S- Pro XXL?

I have been watching Winston’s YouTube video and assembling my machine, but I am running into a few issues.

I’m at the point where I’m making the electronic connections with the Y and X drag chains. His video says to follow the labels on the cables. Well…several of the labels were just floating loose in the bottom of the storage bag.
I’m just scratching my head a little…

Thanks in advance.

Or, is there a better video I should be watching?

Assembly instructions:

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Thank you Julien! :confounded:

They definitely need to do some quality control on those labels. Most of mine were already peeling off when I opened the box(es). I wrote directly on the wires with a Sharpie and it saved me some headaches when it came time to connect everything.

Julien, thank you so much again!

My assembly is completed. I need to connect my computer, set up the control software, and update the machine settings.


BTW, among the things Shapeoko did right was to have different connectors for different types of things. So motors have a different connector than limit switches. I was still able to make the stupid mistake connecting the Z-motor to the X-motor output on the circuit board, but that didn’t harm anything like I expect connecting a motor to a limit switch would.

There was 3 that didn’t have labels, just a process of elimination. I’m over thinking things.

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