Greetings All who look at this post.
I am new to the forum and received an email asking I make my first post. Not knowing anyone at this time I thought showing what I do may be a good first step.
Did this work? If so, let me know what you think?
Greetings All who look at this post.
I am new to the forum and received an email asking I make my first post. Not knowing anyone at this time I thought showing what I do may be a good first step.
Hi @ehendrix,
Welcome to the community !
Thanks for posting some of your work, it seems like you are having fun carving things already. How long have you had your machine ?
I like the simplicity on that second one. A little tip for when you v-carve and then paint, it’s useful to apply a layer of something transparent (e.g. polyurethane), let dry, and only then paint. That should avoid the bleeding of the paint through the wood grain, to get crisp edges once you sand away the excess paint.
For the 3D one, you may consider running a second finishing pass at 90°, and/or reducing the stepover to minimize the visibility of the horizontal lines. But on this specific example, I like the style it gives to that rose, it looks a little bit like fabric.
Keep sharing your work and don’t hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have!
Thanks for the kind words.
I have learned with time regarding using masking for painting. These are a few of my early works.
Regarding the 3D carving that was the very first carving I had tried. My wife colored it using natural plants from out garden.
I have had my little 3018 CNC about 2 years now.
Thanks again.
Welcome to the C3D community.
Dewaxed shellac works well to seal the wood before painting. It dries fast and Easy Liner Shelf adhesive works well as a mask.
Thank you. I am feeling welcome already.
I have been using polyurethane thinned down to seal wood prior to painting.
I actually got adhesive shelf liner for masking and it works pretty well.
Thank you, I feel very welcome.
I am also impressed as to how much active help there is here.
People really love Star Wars.
Dirty little secret is that the regular “blonde” (sold as clear I think) is generally fine under most of the spray paints that “bite” the undercoat due to their solvents.
I just don’t shake the can, allowing the wax to settle. Minimizes the amount of wax in the coat.
The blonde and orange is 2# cut, Sealcoat is 1.5# cut BTW.
So far no issues with this in several years of informal tests. But when I can get the Sealcoat locally in quarts I’ll use that.
Or I’ll dip into my stash of good flakes and mix up my own 1.5# cut. But good flakes are expensive and so is Everclear.
Use under poly or other finishes, I generally stick (pun!) to dewaxed. But truthfully I’ve cheated on a few pieces of daily use furniture in my house and no failures after 5 years…