First of all, I don’t want the shapeoko to re-zero my bit every time I re-run it. Do I just disable the bit-setter?
Secondly, if the stock has not cleaned up I would like to lower my Z depth by a small amount and re-run. I only position the new Z depth once and then go into G91 so it’s all relative from there. Once I edit the new Z-depth, I have to ‘reload’ the file again into CM, correct?
Thanks everyone in this community. You’ve been a great resource.
You don’t want to do that. You’re gcode is in absolute.
Every move will be relative to the current position.
For example, if you were at X0 and wanted to move to X200, the gcode would be G1X200
If your program was to have it move another mm to the right out would send X201
If you change the motion modal to relative, that second command will move 201mm FROM X200 to X401.
Unless the post processor was set for relative commands, you’ll be in for a mess.
As @Julien said, set your Z-zero lower and run the job again.
When I surface something I usually take a 0.010 single pass. If not level I move the z axis off the material and move the z to zero and move down 0.010 and rezero z and start again. I put pencil lines all over the surface so I can tell when the material is flat because the pencil lines are gone. Rinse and repeat as necessary.
I wanted to go into the G91 so I could cut-n-paste to get me over the part. I’ve programmed controllers before where I could do a while loop of n>x and keep the code simple for something like flattening. Thank you,