Rotation applied twice

The rotation dialog will apply a rotation twice when I expect it will only happen once.

Select an object, hit Rotate.

  • Type an angle (but do NOT hit enter)

  • Hit ‘Done’
    As expected, the object rotates that amount

  • Type an angle and hit Enter - angle is immediately applied

  • Hit ‘Done’, angle applied again.

EXPECT - Once I hit enter, than angle is ‘finished’. Hitting Done should not apply it again.

The ‘Enter’ key is acting like an ‘Apply’ button. Perhaps that should be explicit, with an Apply button available as well, and when used Either by hitting the button or by hitting ‘Enter’), the rotation angle is reset to 0.


The behavior I get is I create a poly line that is horizontal. I select it and hit the rotate and enter a number, in this case 90, and the apply button highlights. I hit apply and the line rotates 90 degrees. If I then hit done the rotate dialog closes. The apply makes the action happen but you can continue to rotate your object again and again and when done hit Done and the rotate dialog closes.

What version of CC are you using? There is no ‘Apply’ button.

Resetting the angle to zero when ‘Enter’ is hit would then make this consistent with the ‘Scale’ tool. When a scale factor is applied, it resets to 1.0 so the ‘Done’ has no further effect.

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My example was V7 742. I upgraded to v7 743 and it is like your example now.

I’ve encountered this problem myself and, in fact, had to throw out a piece because it was a small rotation and I didn’t realize it did it twice until I had cut the piece.

It’s really a defect in the code. There’s no way DONE should take action…DONE means you’re through taking actions. Since there is no CANCEL button, the problem is compounded…you have to know to change the rotation factor to 0 to get out without further changes. Very awkward.

I think resetting to 0 upon the user pressing ENTER is the right way to go. It’s the simplest change with the least risk. Then everything is clear and you’re safe whether you press ENTER or not - and the dialog is kept clean and simple.

The only other option - and I don’t think this one is nearly as good - would be for the value of the angle to be the absolute change for that dialog’s session…in other words, when I come in it’s at 0 (has not been rotated); if I type 20 and press enter, it rotates 20 degrees and says 20 (the total rotation), if I then typed 5 and pressed enter, it would reset the diagram and rotate to 5 degrees from when I entered the dialog…then, when you press DONE, no further changes should take place…you rotated it 5 degrees…the absolute change. I don’t like that version as much…but it’s more logical than what happens now.

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