Router Upgrade for Shapeoko Pro

I’ve been doing a little research and I think it’s time to upgrade my Shapeoko Pro with a spindle.

Any recommendations?

My only limitation is 110V requirement, no current option for upgrading garage with 220V…

I love my 800W Gpenny water cooled spindle. It works great and is a big step up from a router. I would suggest sticking with an 800W 65mm spindle unless you want to upgrade to an HDZ. Bigger and more powerful spindles can get pretty heavy. You will also be hard pressed to use more than 800W on a Shapeoko Pro. There is also supposed to be a spindle upgrade kit coming from Carbide 3D at some point.


What do you want/expect out of a spindle?

The last time we looked at this, the trim routers were the best value and worked well for most needs:

That said, I did get a Mafell FM 1000 WS for my SO3 XL:

but my justification there was I was doing so many test cuts for tech support that some days it felt as if I was spending more time wrenching than cutting.

That said, Carbide 3D will have a spindle upgrade in the near future (see the description of the HDM for what we think of spindles), so check in w/ sales to see if there’s an official recommendation.

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