I am not allowed to install software on my computer at work, but would like to be able to use CC on my lunch break, and other free time. My question is can CC be run from an external drive with out installing on computer?
While I’ve been able to run the installer and put the directory which has the binary in arbitrary locations, they all point to the same folder for preferences, so I don’t think this would work (and it’s not worth risking your job over).
Draw up designs using some free on-line SVG editor or CAD tool, then download the designs and assign toolpaths on your computer at home.
I use BlockSCAD to work up designs in 3D, then export to OpenSCAD, modify the files there, and export a DXF or SVG from OpenSCAD to import into Carbide Create.
I would think the installation would also modify the registry - certainly for the runtime modules it uses…so even if everything went to the external disk, the installation would likely be stopped by the security settings.
@BoWesson1 Perhaps you can talk to your boss and explain what you’re trying to do. The IT folks could install it for you. There is the question of using their resources for things other than your job that they may (or may not) tolerate. If you do Government contracts, don’t even try this…it’s a sure way to lose your job.
Thanks for the input.
I had already asked about IT installing it, and it was an no. I may try on an Android tablet i have and see what kind of success I have. that way I could carry the tablet to and from work.
Carbide Create won’t run on Android.
Again, you could run an SVG editor such as Inkscape on the tablet and then transfer the SVG files to your machine at home to make Toolpaths in Carbide Create.
Used laptops are very inexpensive. Shop around.
I run mine on a Lenovo Windows 10 Laptop and it works very well.
Even on my previous Genmitsu 3018 it worked well.
You’re kinda missing the point about the company not wanting, or allowing, you to install software on their laptop. What they really mean is don’t RUN anything not approved on their laptop. Doesn’t matter where it is actually run from, internal or external drive or USB stick.
Point being is they don’t want to risk any damage to their infrastructure, data and so on by risking introduction of malware and so on…
As Will mentioned, not worth risking your job.
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