Same path isnt being followed

after switching bit in advanced vcarve router doesnt follow same path as the pocket already cut out using carbide create v7 and carbide motion

Is your machine mechanically sound? All the wiring in good condition?

Did something mechanically go wrong during the pocket cut?

Could something have mechanically interfered?

Post the .c2d file, step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock and setting zero relative to it and managing all tool changes and a photo showing an attempt at cutting still in place on the machine either here, or to and we’ll do our best to get this sorted out.

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nothing seems abnormal as far as wiring and during pocket cut

Im sure @WillAdams will know better than I, but that looks like a mechanical issue to me. Notice the shape of the hearts in the second row do not even have a heart shape in the second pass? That seems like something either interfered with the router causing it to stall or loose steps, or belts or wheels slipped etc.

Looks mechanical to me.

I would check Stepper pulleys to see if they are loose. Picture below to use next time. Maybe belt on the “X”. As @WillAdams said check wiring. It may look ok, but pull them apart and see if there are burnt pins. Push them together firmly.

Could the placement of your part been too close to the “Y” rail causing your dust shoe or hose to pinch causing lost steps?

Good Luck

Witness mark on pulley:


Michael you have gotten a lot of mileage with your picture. Good work.

It is like a sock on over the top of the router. Everyone should be doing it.



So…where is the sock?

I place it over the top of the router. I have had it so long that I feel the wheel and know which way to turn it. I placed it there to filter our as much dust as possible. On machine cleaning day I replace it or blow it out. Bummer, my wife makes me wash my own socks.

LMBO, thank you for sharing.

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Ty I will check on those things
I’m a beginner at using the advance v-carve have only used pocket so far so didnt know if am doing something wrong

all my pocket paths run smooth until i change to v bit then it goes off path

How are you changing to a V endmill?

when prompted by machine i switch it out

Are you using a BitSetter?

yes am using bitsetterthat came attatched to machine

I have been using carbide create v6 and recently downloaded v7, should i unistall v6? and would it make a difference if i bought the pro version?

It shouldn’t affect one version to have the other installed.

As noted above, pretty sure you are having mechanical issues — check that?

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I have been using v7 since the beta. V6 is still installed on my machine. In previous minor versions the old version is removed but major revisions i.e. 5, 6 … the old version is usually still installed. On Windows go to your start menu and you will likely find v6. If not you can still download v6.

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