Sequence of setting zero XYZ

I’ve run a couple of jobs and have a question about the sequence I should follow to zero XYZ. I’m currently loading a new tool, zero XYZ, load a new file, start. But it is cutting deep into my waste board. It occurs to me that I might need to load a new file before zero XYZ. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you. Attached is my file:

Christmas Lantern 12x24 Santa.c2d (336 KB)

Seems like the issue is probably that the stock material thickness is either inconsistent or just less than what you have it set for in your project file. You toolpaths are set to cut slightly below the bottom of the material - but not by much.

If you really want to not cut into your waste board, then use the waste board as the Z-zero(or 2 layers of tape if you’re using tape/crazy glue hold-down) & set your project file to Zero Height on the bottom.

The order of zero’ing XYZ & file loading does not(should not) matter.

Make sure you zero Z based on the location you have set in the file. Either material top or machine bed.

I follow the same process as you. If I am zeroing on the machine bed after the normal XYZ probe cycle I go back and set zero on the board. I wish there was just an XY probe option.

Please see:

and make sure that how you are setting zero matches Job Setup:

I find I usually just eye-ball the XY position unless I’m dealing with some really tight stock size constraints. Then I probe for Z off my waste board or stock material depending on the project file setup. But I do agree that I wish there was an XY probe option vs separate X & Y probing operations.

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Thank you all for the pointers. Lot’s of new stuff to learn but I’m super happy with my choice to buy from Carbide 3D. The post-purchase resources are phenomenal.