Serrated edges for this box

How do I make serrated edges like this picture?

Draw them — probably you’d want a series of overlapping circles or similar and then use Trim Vectors or Boolean operations.

If you’ll provide dimensions we can walk through drawing this up.

The dimensions are 4.25 x 4-21”

Thanks a bunch

Make one Triangle. Select the top point, go to Node edit, select the top point, and hit smooth. Adjust the nodes to make the point as sharp or as dull as you prefer. Once you are happy with the new triangle, click Linear Array. Add as many teeth as you want. Make a Box the size you want. I chose 4.25 x 4.25. Resize your teeth to fit on the box. Align the teeth to the top of the box, but the bottom line on the teeth should protrude into the box area, use shift and arrow keys for fine adjustment. Copy the top teeth and flip and align the teeth to the bottom of the box. Join all the teeth. Then do a Boolean to join the teeth to the box.


Draw up the geometry:

Then draw some circles:

and draw in some lines to connect things:


then use Node Editing to adjust the position of the line relative to the circle:

zooming in as needed:

and alternating sides:

iterating until one arrives at:


Draw in geometry to define where things will be joined.

at each end:

and where the circles should be cut to open things up:

Then select the geometry:

and do Trim Vectors:

and remove what is not wanted:


Select and then remove the unwanted geometry:

Then select:

Join Vectors

and use Node Editing to remove the excess at the ends:



Mirror Vertical:

and drag into registration:

Join Vectors:

and use Linear Array:

to duplicate the geometry:


Join Vectors


Use Node Editing to remove the excess geometry at each end:


Drag into registration at a corner:

Select the geometry and the rectangle:

Align Vectors:

and center top–bottom

draw in a line at each end:



Select the open geometry:

and use Join Vectors:


Use Align Vectors to align with the edge of the square:

deselect the square and duplicate it:

and add the square to the selection:

and Mirror Horizontal:

Deselect the geometry:

and delete the square:

Draw in lines to define the top/bottom:



Select everything:

Join Vectors:


Attached as a v8 file:

serrated_box_top_v8.c2d (44 KB)

Thank you so much for your help with this.

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