Hey group,
I am doing a project that reguires 4 bit changes. The first bit is a round nose bit which won’t work with the bit zero device, (assuming because the bit won’t fit in the bit zero hole). How do I start setting up the first bit, then continue to set up Z for the bit changes. Also, will the bit setter set up for proper Z position when doing the bit changes.
Start with a file which has all the toolpaths in it and which previews as you wish.
The best way to do this is to probe/set zero using a probing pin — that should allow you to set the origin for X, Y, and Z.
Then, with the origin set, load the file and the software will prompt you for the first tool — change to it and all the successive tools when prompted and it will “just work”.
As @WillAdams mentioned, use the pin provided with BitZero to set your origin or X,Y,Z-Zero. After that BitSetter will take care of any and all tool changes you put in your program. You could change tools 30 times in a program, BitSetter does not care. It is the Honey Badger of CNC accessories.
As they suggested above you can set your X Y and Z with the probing pen. You can zero with any bit you want as long as it fits on the BitZero and/or BitSetter. For instance if you use two bits in your job and we call them #1 and #2. We could set X Y and Z with a 3rd bit that has no relation to the job. The top or bottom of the material is the same with any bit you use same for the X and Y.
When using the BitZero for setting the X and Y you tell the Shapeoko which bit you are using and that is compensated for when finding the edge of the X and Y. So if you X and Y with a 1/4" bit then the CM Software knows to compensate for the 1/8" (center of the 1/4" bit) when setting the X and Y location. Same for the Z and the BitSetter.
When your machine homes that sets up the internal coordinates of a Shapeoko. Every movement away from the right rear corner is calculated and offset from that home location. So when you set the X and Y location on a project corner the CM software is making an offset from the home position established during the homing cycle. The same is true for the Z. When you set your Z position an offset is made from the Z zero position made during homing and is written to a file and held in CM memory. That is why after a power cycle your X Y and Z previously set coordinates are persistant and unless you have changed the location of your material or the thickness you do not need to set X Y and Z zero. It is still set from the last time you physically set those 3 coordinates. Those 3 coordinates are offsets from the homing cycle performed during the start up of your machine.
Thanks group for the information. Appreciate it.
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