Shapeoko 3 + Carbide Create 520 just won't like each other

Hey guys,

I’ve upgraded to Carbide Create 520, and this is the weirdest thing…

The issue:

  • When I create a file and send it to cut, it’ll go deeper than expected by a ton.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a file from importing an svg and then creating toolpaths (as you normally would, we’ve all been using our Shapeoko’s for years now.
  • I am currently working with imperial measurements (yes I know the best are Metric, diff discussion for different day :slight_smile: )
  • I use an advanced v-carve with 1/4’’ pocketing tool. settings:
    • Stepover: 0.125
    • Depth per pass: 0.063
    • Plunge rate: 8.0
    • Feed Rate: 55.0
    • RPM: 18000
  • The V tool settings:
    • Stepover: 0.008
    • Depth per pass: 0.063
    • Plunge rate: 12
    • Feed Rate: 55.0
    • RPM: 18000
  • Advance V-Carve settings:
    • Starting Depth: 0.000 in
    • Max Depth: 0.125 in

Actual result:

I recorded the result and uploaded it to a private listing for YouTube, so you can check the video out here, it’s about 15 minutes long so you can skip to the end to see the terrible result here

Cut will start at 0.125’’ instead of the 0.063’’ set in the program. Then it’ll just cut whatever it wants to cut because it goes off script. I’m going to try and attach video / image!

It could be a machine configuration issue. The newest CM 536 has different machine defaults for models and your issue may be you need to send the config from CM to set up your machine type, Z type and what accessories you have like BitSetter and BitRunner.

You can also go to the MDI interface and type $$ and enter. Then to go to the log and see what your configuration is set for the number of steps for your Z type. Verify you are properly set for your Z type.

Setting Belt Drive Z-axis Z-Plus (inc. Pro) HDZ
$100 40 40 40
$101 40 40 40
$102 40 200 320

Shapeoko Default Sizes for GBRL Configuration

To allow folks to confirm their Grbl configurations, here are the settings for:

Setting Belt Drive Z-axis Z-Plus (inc. Pro) HDZ
$100 40 40 40
$101 40 40 40
$102 40 200 320

The Travel Dimensions for the various machine sizes and options are:

Machine size and Z-axis type X Y Z
Shapeoko 3 Standard Belt Drive 420 430 100
Shapeoko 3 Standard Z-Plus 420 430 95
Shapeoko 3 Standard HDZ 420 430 140
Shapeoko XL Belt Drive 830 430 100
Shapeoko XL Z-Plus 830 430 95
Shapeoko XL HDZ 830 430 140
Shapeoko XXL Belt Drive 830 850 100
Shapeoko XXL Z-Plus 830 850 95
Shapeoko XXL HDZ 830 850 140
Shapeoko Pro XL 870 440 95
Shapeoko Pro XXL 870 850 95

Note that it is possible to increase X-axis travel if using an HDZ w/o a dust collection system which limits X-axis travel.


Thanks for the response!
I’ve checked my configurations and they all seem appropriate, or match what’s expected, I figured 50% of my issues was a bad X-Axis stepper which was gracefully replaced by the C3D team! I haven’t tried the same exact file yet, but I think I’m just going to start to design and run jobs in metric, and keep everything metric… it’s just so hard to keep thinking in both :smile: Home Depot has stock in imperial, and my cutters are in imperial…

Now that the x axis issues are gone, I’ll try to re-design the file in metric and see if it’s gone.

Thanks again Guy.

Under the covers everything runs in metric. However I am an old dog and have used imperial all my life. So I set everything in inches to make my life easier. So it has worked well. All my imperial measurements are calculated to the metric system inside the software. As an old dog I have learned new tricks but the inch vs metric is not one I wish to learn. You can buy metric bits and collets but most of the Carbide3D bits are imperial.

If you want to use metric bits be sure to buy metric collets. The 6MM and 1/4 are similar but not the same. A 6MM bit in a 1/4 inch collet is subject to come loose. sells precision collets for Dewalt and Makita/Carbide3d routers. If you go their site make sure you are ordering collets for your model. They make collets for larger models of routers as well as our trim routers.

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gotcha thank you, I do not mean to start all over with my mills and collets, I did get the collets for 1/4 and 1/8 shanks and I think that should be sufficient. I tried a simple v groove + contour cut and it all seemed to work :slight_smile: Made the file purely with metric measurements and it went well. Now I’m having some issues with advanced v-carving where it does the clearning correctly, but the v-part of the cut just moves to the origin and starts cutting from there… this is what I was talking about when I upgrade carbide create versions issues like these happen

post your file here and someone will help you figure out what is going on. I suspect that you have not selected the correct post processor. For advanced vcarve to work you must pick Shapeoko for a post processor. The generic gcode and GBRL do not support tool changes and would just sit there.

With CC open go to the Edit Menu and Select Post processor Menu


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So I tried the same exact file on CM for Pi, and it worked as expected… I was initially trying to run the file in CNCJS but now I see there might be some issues there… so I’ve gotten rid of my CNCJS pi, and replaced it for regular debian + cm on it.

Had a successful piece! So I’m a happy camper now.

thanks for the offer tho!

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