Shapeoko 3 losing connection while cutting

New user here. Today my machine started randomly losing connection in the middle of a job. The first time it did this it was about half way thru the job. I re-ran the job and it lost connection again but at a different place. I re-wrote the file and and ran it again. It only cut about an inch before it lost conection and stopped again. Has anyone here had this issue before?
Thanks in advance!!

Usually this is EMI — check the brushes on your trim router, make sure that there isn’t some other heavy load on the same circuit (a refrigerator is a typical culprit) and that the dust collection is grounded to the same ground as the vacuum.

If you continue to have difficulties let us know at

I’ve never had an issue until today. I did have my laptop plugged in to the same receptacle as my vacuum. Today was the first time I had done that. Tomorrow I will plug them into separate receptacles and try again.


If the problem has suddenly arisen, most likely culprit is worn carbon brushes in the trim router.

Checked brushes and they are fine. The machine is new and only has about 30 minutes of use. Have call in for tech support and waiting for them to call back.


Insert a strip on the USB cable. Machine side, close to the controller.

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