My shapeoko stopped working mid project and will not home the y axis. When I click to initialize the machine it continues to ram into the back of the setup until I manually turn off the machine, it never even errors out. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting all the the wires as well as moving the sensor with no improvement. Also, when my machine on in the very back right corner it reads X-30 Y-27. When I touch metal to the x sensor the light turns on on the sensor and on the electronics connection. However, when I touch metal to the Y sensor the light on the sensor turns on, but not on the electronics connection. I have emailed support a few times but haven’t received a response yet. I have been using the machine about every day since March so it’s not a first time setup issue. If I plug the X sensor into the Y connection then the light comes on like it should, just not when the Y is plugged into the Y.
Is the Y-axis homing switch stuck on?
(and as @JefferyS noted below, are the X and Y mixed up?)
Does it go off if you power off, move the gantry away from the back, then power up?
Have you contacted ?
Hi, your light on the board shows X but you are showing the Y Sensor.
Do you have X and Y switched on your board, can’t tell from the picture.
Sorry I am not good at explaining myself. I tested all the switches to compare them. I was testing the X sensor when the X light was on. I swapped the X and Y and the X sensor always work and light up the corresponding light on the panel, but the Y sensor would never light on the panel whether I had it connected to the X or Y.
No, the Y homing switch turns on and off when I put metal up to it, but it will never light on the control board whether I have it plugged into the Y spot or the X spot. I have sent support a couple of emails with no response yet.
I see one ticket where we asked you for more information an hour ago, and a new ticket using a different e-mail which came in five minutes or so. We’ll answer it in the queue as quickly as we can.
For any future readers, this was a sensor switch issue. I was sent a new switch and it works great.
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