As I’m unpacking the Shapeoko 4, it’s pretty clear that it is on another level from the previous version. I especially like the Bitsetter’s new design, and I have some questions about it.
Is it user-serviceable? Do you encourage or discourage oiling the bushing? Can I switch out the spring to something with a lower force rating?
My original Shapeoko 3 Bitsetter was actually frozen solid when I received it, and I had to work it back and forth to get it unstuck. The first tool I probed with it made a huge thud when it forced the probe unstuck. After that I oiled it with CLP, but I was never really happy with its action, as it was especially prone to stick-tion. Ultimately I sold it with the Shapeoko 3.
The new one (I’ll call it the Bitsetter 4) was never stuck, but it seems like it requires a lot more force to actuate than any other CNC tool setting probe I’ve ever seen - I can imagine delicate tools shattering on contact! The Bitsetter 3 used an Oilite bushing, and it looks like the same bushing in the 4, but I’m more concerned with the spring.
Is this spring adjustable? It’s pretty clear how it was designed, and I’d imagine that it’s not adjustable, except that it can be replaced. Do you recommend replacing it?
It looks like it would need a 15mm wrench and some way to grip the probe tip, all after removing the proximity sensor. That’s why I ask about user-serviceability; a 12.6mm tube clamp is not a common tool to have lying around.
Again, the primary question is “how do I reduce the force needed to actuate the Bitsetter?”
Did you check with yet? They probably have a list of do’s and don’ts and should be able to tell whether the level of force you are seeing to trigger the BitSetter is nominal or not. I would of course not do anything until you hear from them, and I would be surprised if they mentioned some level of user-serviceability of the BitSetter, certainly not clamping tubes and replacing springs.
I don’t need support to tell me the force is wrong or not. It’s way too high! The spring should be strong enough to keep the probe upright, and no more, however it takes some effort to move it. Not ideal.
I’m curious about the experience of other Bitsetter 4 users. Are you touching off PCB drills or something similarly small?
Ideally, the force to move the probe should be no more than that of a dial indicator; it should keep its position when idle, but move at the slightest pressure. Otherwise, the tool would deflect and the reading would be inaccurate.