Shapeoko/computer disconnect as soon as spindle is turned on

That’s definitely worth checking, I can vouch “yes” for the Euro version but the USA has different electrical safety regs.

The control board grounds the aluminium heatsink plate it’s mounted to the Y rail with so I’ve found that the bolts holding the board on show a solid 0 ohms to the earth wire on the plug coming into the power brick, should be a quick enough test on the US version you have?

edit - Don’t test agains the shield of the USB connector, some rather decent engineer at Carbide 3D used an isolated USB driver chipset to reduce interference problems so the USB shield is floating.

I do have good ground on the board mounting points.

I really am out of ideas.

Will this run carbide motion?

While that machine doesn’t meet our official system requirements many folks use it to run Carbide Motion.

I’m just trying to find an alternative.

I like the new toMe computer as it is 10x what my old one was when it comes to design and tool path generation power.

I need to get this running. It’s been down more or less for two months over me wanting to upgrade to a spindle and I need it to start paying for itself or I’m in a bind

The one laptop I have is my work laptop and I prefer to leave it at work.

I think I’m going to see if it will act up with a laptop plugged in those weekend. I have yet to have it act up with a laptop but have not tried plugged in.

The tablet Is cheap and would serve as a dedicated carbide motion controller. I would have to generate everything and just send the .nc file to it via memory card or a shared folder.

And all this is working off the assumption that the tablet won’t have problems.

That is exactly the usage which folks have successfully done with that tablet and Carbide Motion (though that usage dated back to CM4 — but CM5 seems to perform better).

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